Aug 12, 2014
Image from Keen to Clean

General Cleaning: Tiled Area
Cleaning the tiles, usually located on or around the bathtub or shower or on the walls, periodically is important as they are very prone to soap scum and mould, both of which degrade the quality of the air and can lead to unpleasant odours. The grout [the sealant between the tiles] can be prone to mould infections as well, causing it to discolour.
Things you will Need:
Cleaning Solution:
Washing your tiles with water alone is not worth the time or effort. Even a basic tile cleaning solution will offer benefits in terms of loosening up dirt and leaving a nice shine. Supermarkets offer a wide range of brands, many of the popular brands are more than enough.
Washing your tiles without a scrubber is not worth the time or effort. You will require a scouring pad or steel wool to remove the hardest soap cum and water marks from the tiles ; also to clean the grout thoroughly. Supermarkets offer a wide range of brands, many of the popular brands are more than enough.
Cleaning the Tiles:
Spray your cleaning solution onto the tiled areas and leave for the advise period of time. If your grout is showing signs of discolouration you may want to use a little more on them.
Using a scrubber, start to scrub and wipe away the cleaning solution. If the area is resistant you can apply more pressure or more solution and leave to sit again. For particularly stubborn areas or discoloured grouting you can use a scouring pad or steel wool to remove the mould, but be careful as this can lead to damaging your tiles.
How Often Should it be Done?
We would recommend doing the tile cleaning at least once a week as it helps keep the job as manageable as possible.
You can be sure that when the Keen To Clean staff visits your home, you will get 100% satisfaction from our tile cleaning service in all Melbourne, Sydney and Adelaide suburbs. To book a cleaning day, please feel free to drop us a line at 1300-737978, 0425-758379 for 24/7 emergency cleaning, or email us at enquiry@keentoclean.com.au. We are open from Mondays to Saturdays, 8AM till 6:30 PM, in Melbourne, Sydney and Adelaide.

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