Feb 14, 2023
Image from Keen to Clean

Commercial cleaning has lately become a booming business with a rising emphasis on hygiene and cleanliness for productivity. The increasing number of commercial cleaning companies in Adelaide, Sydney, and Melbourne has further led to a dawning realisation – there’s an unending need for commercial cleaners. Despite there being several cleaning companies, there is always room for more!

With Keen to Clean having been in the business for years, we have seen the growing need first-hand. Over the years, Keen to Clean has managed to become a sought after company for commercial cleaning in Sydney and Melbourne, while also having a wide reach as commercial cleaners in Adelaide.

As a commercial cleaning company in Australia that is exponentially increasing, Keen to Clean provides smaller cleaning companies the chance to grow further through its franchising opportunity. And if you don’t have a company yet but see yourself in the field of commercial cleaning, we provide you with everything you could need to own a cleaning company.

To get you started, here’s how you can own or promote your commercial cleaning business with Keen to Clean in 2023:

Step #1 Know What Our Franchising Opportunity Holds in Store for You

There are a number of commercial cleaning services in Melbourne, Sydney, and Adelaide. Among these, we have managed to create a path for upcoming franchises so that they have an equal footing with already established cleaning companies. To get started, all you need to do is speak with our team to understand what the franchising opportunity holds in store for you. This will work as the stage where we find out our mutual requirements to determine whether owning a Keen to Clean franchise is the right step for you.

Step #2 Choose Your Investment Option

Everyone loves a second income. But there’s always a give and take when it comes to honest dealings. Owning a Keen to Clean franchise is no different. There are several investment options designed for different needs based on the scope of work, or whether you’d be employing contractors, etc., all of which can be discussed to understand your requirements. Irrespective of the investment choice you make, Keen to Clean provides comprehensive support and training throughout, helping you grow while being at your side. The aim behind our franchising opportunity is to grow alongside you.

Step #3 Understand Key Selling Points

As commercial cleaners in Melbourne, Sydney, and Adelaide, we’re all vying for our audience’s attention along with several other competitors offering the same services. The most important thing is to identify what your unique selling points are and what differentiates us from the rest. Once you identify your key selling points, it’s time to harp on it more than anything else. Every franchise under Keen to Clean is known to provide exceptional and quality services that have made us who we are today. The goal should be to become synonymous with our unique selling point – which is comprehensive cleaning, honesty, professionalism, and reliability.

Step #4 Build Stronger Connections with Our Existing Clientele

If you’ve managed to impress your client the first time, you’ve likely found a loyal customer in the long run. Whether you’re providing commercial carpet cleaning in Melbourne or positioning yourself as a Melbourne commercial cleaning company that offers comprehensive cleaning, continue to build a stronger connection with your existing clients so you know when they’re in need of your services. And if they have a large network, it won’t be long till their network becomes part of our clientele!

Tip #5 Let Your Work Speak For You

This goes without saying but the quality of the commercial cleaning services in Melbourne you provide is sure to be the best way to promote your franchise as commercial cleaners in Melbourne. The key is to stand out even if the services you offer are the bare minimum. Just make sure you’re not lost in the crowd of competition. Word-of-mouth appraisals are often the most beneficial in widening your scope and expanding your clientele. In the long run, you gain connections and loyal customers who know what your services are worth.

Time to Get Started!

As someone wanting to start a commercial cleaners in Adelaide and Melbourne, there is nothing that would speak better than the quality of work you promise to provide. But a push every now and then can do wonders for your business. So, if you’re looking to start your own successful commercial cleaning company and don’t know how to go about it, just get in touch with the team at Keen at Clean and let us get you started!

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