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$11 Discount on All Services

Condition Apply* Please refer to code: NL27022015 Offer Valid for Clients in Melbourne only  and bookings made between: 27 February 2015 and  31 March 2015 Valid for All Services. Please email to enquiry@keentoclean.com.au or call 1300 73 79 78 to confirm a booking.  

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Window Cleaning – Special 2hr for $66

*Require Free Parking Facility *Require Hot Water & Electricity *Subject to Availibity *Window cleaning from inside & outside ( where accessible) *Services provided in Melbourne, Sydney and Adelaide You can be sure that when the Keen To Clean staff visits your home, you will get 100% satisfaction from our window cleaning service in all Melbourne, […]

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why choose keen to clean

Our Cleaners All our cleaners are franchisees, so they have an invested interest in maintaining the highest level of cleaning on your site. Training Ownership alone is not enough, we thoroughly train our franchisees with the latest advancements in fighting Germs including using colour coded microfiber cloths, mops & buckets to avoid cross contamination, reducing […]

Image from Keen to Clean

Why it’s so Important to trade through the COVID-19 pandemic & How to Keep Your Workplace Healthy at the Same Time

Why it’s so important to trade through this pandemic As a global community, we are facing unprecedented uncertainty in the face of the Novel Coronavirus Pandemic. The fast-spreading outbreak of COVID-19 has already had unimaginable impacts on our nation’s economy, and many businesses are torn between remaining open and trading through the uncertainty or playing […]

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